Only Known by Their Nickname: As of July 1st, 2020 several students have been given official names in addition to their punny nicknames, they are still referred to by these nicknames currently.Oh, Crap!: When witnessing something bad happen.Heroic Bystander: If Yan-chan murders someone in front of a sufficiently large group of them, they'll pin her down and capture her.Driven to Suicide: This may be a possibility in the final game if you destroy their reputation enough – since you can technically gossip about anyone (except Senpai, Info-chan, the student you are gossiping with, and yourself) – albeit only through sheer determination and malice on the player's part.Dies Wide Open: Corpses in this game generally have their eyes open.Covert Pervert: Well, someone's buying panty shot photos from Info-chan.